Colliding with Our Culture

Our fourth catechism asks the question, “How and why did God create us?”

How?  Male and Female
Why?  To know Him, love Him, live with Him and glorify Him.

This collides with our culture in so many ways.  The most obvious is in regard to the gender debate.  Were we really created male and female?  Or can we choose our gender?  If science can provide the means for us to change our gender, does that make it right?  Should we allow genderless public restrooms?

These questions abound more and more, and the indoctrination has saturated our school system.  I was so discouraged when I was having a casual conversation with my nephew who is in elementary school.  He proclaimed that we cannot judge whether someone is a boy or a girl because that person gets to choose.  He was so confident that this was the truth because this is what he learned in school.

How far our society has moved from the truth of God’s Word!

So let’s move on to the second question.  Why were we created?  And for the purpose of this challenge, we are all women, so let me ask, a follow-up question.  How does our femininity contribute to our purpose?

We were created to know God.  As women, we will know Him differently than men because we are wired differently.  We will typically relate better to His nurturing character qualities because we were created to be nurturers.

We were created to love God.  As women, we typically look for our “knight in shining armor,” and because man is fallen, we are often disappointed.  Even “Prince Charming” still falls short of God’s glory.  We can love God because we know that He is perfect in His love.  He will never disappoint.

We were created to live with God.  Because of the gift of the Holy Spirit, God is with us and within us all the time.  He tells us in the book of John that He doesn’t want to just give us life, but He wants to give us abundant life.  Life with God is safe, secure, joyful, and abundant.  This does not mean that we are always healthy, wealthy and happy.  But we do have a contentment and peace that passes all understanding.

We were created to glorify God.  We make dozens of choices every day, and if each of those choices bring glory to God, then we have had a successful day.  This is a helpful concept when we feel like all we do is change dirty diapers and wash dishes or push paper and get coffee.  Whether the tasks of your day feel fulfilling or not, you can rest assured that when you bring glory to God you have fulfilled the purpose for which you were created.

Let’s rejoice in being one of God’s beautiful creations.

About bethany0829

I am blessed to be on staff at Coastal Community Church in Yorktown, VA as the Executive Director of Engagement. I am also an Instructional Mentor for Liberty University Online. I have a wonderful husband, Chris, and beautiful daughter, Kristin.
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1 Response to Colliding with Our Culture

  1. Jen Brown says:

    So good Bethany, thanks!!!

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